How to Support Handicraft Soul

Shop With Us
When you shop Handicraft Soul your purchase alone makes a difference! Your support allows us to continue buying from our talented artisan partners and creates a demand for the product, which in turn creates more income, and more jobs for the artisans we work with. The money earned from your purchase allows the artisan's families and communities to flourish, which is especially valuable in places where traditional employment opportunities are not readily available.
You can shop with us online or shop in person. We often attend craft markets in Wisconsin, so stop by and say hello if you're in the area! Check out the Events tab on our Facebook page for details on our upcoming markets.
Social Media
Engage with us on social media to help us spread the word!
The more support we have, the more we can support our artisan partners.
The more support we have, the more we can support our artisan partners.
Share our posts & products on your own social media accounts for your friends to see
If you've purchased from us, review our products on our Facebook page
Come shop with us at markets and share our upcoming market info with your friends on social media!
Support Fair Trade Whenever You Can!
Handicraft Soul is using fair trade principles to support our global artisan partners.
Learn more about how the fair trade movement works.